
Friday, October 31, 2008

Global warming 101

Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation.

Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the 100 years ending in 2005.[1][2] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations"[3][4] via an enhanced greenhouse effect. Natural phenomena such as solar variation combined with volcanoes probably had a small warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950 and a small cooling effect from 1950 onward.[5][6] These basic conclusions have been endorsed by at least 30 scientific societies and academies of science,[7] including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries.[8][9][10] While individual scientists have voiced disagreement with these findings,[11] the overwhelming majority of scientists working on climate change agree with the IPCC's main conclusions.[12][13]

Climate model projections summarized by the IPCC indicate that average global surface temperature will likely rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the twenty-first century.[3] This range of values results from the use of differing scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions as well as models with differing climate sensitivity. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, warming and sea level rise are expected to continue for more than a thousand years even if greenhouse gas levels are stabilized. The delay in reaching equilibrium is a result of the large heat capacity of the oceans.[3]

Increasing global temperature is expected to cause sea levels to rise, an increase in the intensity of extreme weather events, and significant changes to the amount and pattern of precipitation, likely leading to an expanse of tropical areas and increased pace of desertification. Other expected effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, mass species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.

Remaining scientific uncertainties include the amount of warming expected in the future, and how warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but there is ongoing political and public debate worldwide regarding what, if any, action should be taken to reduce or reverse future warming or to adapt to its expected consequences.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth - Al Gore

Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced.

If that sounds like a recipe for serious gloom and doom -- think again. From director Davis Guggenheim comes the Sundance Film Festival hit, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, which offers a passionate and inspirational look at one man's fervent crusade to halt global warming's deadly progress in its tracks by exposing the myths and misconceptions that surround it. That man is former Vice President Al Gore, who, in the wake of defeat in the 2000 election, re-set the course of his life to focus on a last-ditch, all-out effort to help save the planet from irrevocable change. In this eye-opening and poignant portrait of Gore and his "traveling global warming show," Gore also proves himself to be one of the most misunderstood characters in modern American public life. Here he is seen as never before in the media - funny, engaging, open and downright on fire about getting the surprisingly stirring truth about what he calls our "planetary emergency" out to ordinary citizens before it's too late.

With 2005, the worst storm season ever experienced in America just behind us, it seems we may be reaching a tipping point - and Gore pulls no punches in explaining the dire situation. Interspersed with the bracing facts and future predictions is the story of Gore's personal journey: from an idealistic college student who first saw a massive environmental crisis looming; to a young Senator facing a harrowing family tragedy that altered his perspective, to the man who almost became President but instead returned to the most important cause of his life - convinced that there is still time to make a difference.

With wit, smarts and hope, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH ultimately brings home Gore's persuasive argument that we can no longer afford to view global warming as a political issue - rather, it is the biggest moral challenges facing our global civilization.

Paramount Classics and Participant Productions present a film directed by Davis Guggenheim,
. Featuring Al Gore, the film is produced by Laurie David, Lawrence Bender and Scott Z. Burns. Jeff Skoll and Davis Guggenheim are the executive producers and the co-producer is Leslie Chilcott.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Anthony Vivero a Psychic Healer

Are you desperate on your long-term sickness? Are you depress on what happening in your life? Are you looking for a long lost love one? Then, meet him the one of the popular psychic healer in the Philippines, Mr Anthony Vivero.

He heals many people, boy or girl, young and old. He heals different kinds of illness. Even your illness is made by an elemental or witchcraft, he can identify who did it and at the same time contradict it. Despite of the fact that he can heal your sickness, your fast healing progress will be depending on your faith on God. It means that you need to think that you will be cured with no doubts. A positive attitude will be needed for a fast recovery. Even the threatening illness like Cancer can be healed using his healing power. It is really amazing.

Aside form his healing power, he can also find your lost love one, detect if there's a lost soul in an area who needed a prayer, and even predict what will happen on your future or the future in general. All you need to do is put the name in a piece of paper with whom you want to be healed with his birth date. He will include on his prayers.

On his ability to see the soul of the dead who are still lost on earth because they haven't seen the light, he was invited on television network to feature his ability and to help the celebrities who also have a third eye but doesn't now what to do with it. There are also Ghost haunting shows like Nginiiig etc. which they encounter lost souls or elementals. He became popular through his media exposure.

Free healing sessions not only in Parañaque but in other places are also one of the activities held by Vivero's group. He believes that healing should be free in able to give hope for those who can't afford it. Of course they don't have the money for consulting doctors. It was like it is only for the rich people.

Faith move mountains. Nothing's impossible with God. He always tells his patients that don't depend too much on his healing power but to believe that God also there. He's the one working on it. Anthony is only an instrument of God as a healer. The miracle still depends on the patients.

Regular Healing Session is every Wednesday and Saturday
Time: 8 am to 7 pm
Venue is on the following address
Address: 22 Essen St., BF Homes, Phase 3, Paranaque City, Philippines
Landline phone: (0063-2) 8206850 Cellphone: +639189231778


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Anime Otaku

Anime is one of the popular interest of the youth and kids today but also adults can be hooked on watching anime's. Anime' is originated in Japan. Characters are usually in a round and big eyes which is ironic to the image of Japanese people.

Different stories are genre of anime' series. Usually adventure is the theme of anime series. Fantasy will also do because magical characters are usually in these charaters. Some times it has hilarious acts which really made me laughing out loud. It is very entertaining! if you are an artist, you will appreciate anime series. You will also learn to speak in nihonggo.

Ok I will admit I'm an anime' fan! hahaha! watashiwa Otaku!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

American idol season 7 finals

From American Idol's disappointing, ratings-deficient season premiere back in January, all the way through to Tuesday's disappointing, ratings-deficient pre-finale, critics have been writing eulogies for the show's influence and forecasting its inevitable slip from Zeitgeist-capturing juggernaut to something you'd only watch if your Wii were broken. "Ridiculous!" others claimed, presumably in unison. "Sure, it's less of a hit than it used to be — but it still draws at least 20 million viewers per episode, meaning it's still way more popular than pretty much anything else!" But what if Idol's biggest problem isn't the people who've stopped watching, but the ones who still are?

Nonconformist cock-rocker David Cook's surprise landslide victory over the more-orthodox presumed winner David Archuleta suggests that a majority of even the fans most engaged with Idol (i.e., the ones voting) might finally be sick of the show's long-standardized forms and conventions. For the first time, a nontraditional contestant who never once compromised his love for the dour, morose post-grunge of the mid-to-late nineties has been named a season's victor. And the fact that he beat Archuleta — the living embodiment of everything the show's ever been up to this point — is a clear sign to producers that it's probably time to change the formula.

Despite our (half-)joking assertions that Cook is a balding, Philip Seymour Hoffman–esque caterwauler, we don't think he's such a bad guy (or even an untalented guy!), just an unrepentant fan of a musical genre completely inconsistent with Idol's pop pedigree, and one which most reasonable earthlings have happily purged from memory. (No, Chris Daughtry's success doesn't disprove this; his singles are actually pretty catchy.) How many voted to hear him sing more Collective Soul songs (and why didn't those same people buy the album Collective Soul put out last year?) and how many voted because he's a good-natured, telegenic antithesis to the bloated, aimless corporate monster the show's turned into?

If the point of American Idol were to find front men for alt-rock bar bands, then why haven't they ever had a post-grunge night? (None of these bands are too busy to turn down an invitation, that's for sure.) No, it's historically been about sappy balladry, awful Andrew Lloyd Webber nights, and even more awful Mariah Carey nights. It's broad, cheesy, and aimed squarely at grandmothers and 13-year-old girls. Sure, it's had its share of maverick contestants, but they were either sent home in early rounds (Daughtry, Constantine Maroulis, Chris Sligh) or they rigorously tailored their arrangements and song selections to conform to the please-everyone pop format (Taylor Hicks, Bo Bice, Blake Lewis), and certainly none were ever so bold as to sing a Collective Soul song on the finale. But this year, for Cook, it worked; not because there's a post-grunge revival afoot (we hope!), or because he was the best singer (though, admittedly, he was probably the second-best), but because there's been a clear sea change in the show's fan base.

As for David Archuleta, he — like us — entered this season with the assumption that the rules of previous ones still held. He was a ruthless, steely-eyed competitor, turning in near-flawless performances (by traditional Idol standards) week after week. In any other year, he'd probably have claimed easy victory. Heck, the judges practically handed him the crown on Tuesday (for which they apologized to Cook last night). We'd like to think of his defeat as a clear-cut case of voters hating the game but not the player.

To his credit, Cook barely ever stumbled either; he, also, was responsible for a raft of memorable performances — just ones outside Idol's typical idiom. The fact alone that his inventive, alt-rock take on Mariah Carey's "Always Be My Baby" did not make us vomit is probably proof enough that he's a deserving winner.

And while the American Idol producers are likely celebrating this morning (ratings were actually up 3 percent over last year's finale!), we're sure it's not escaped their notice that the show's fan base is a grumpy one. Just God help us if they're considering adding a Collective Soul night to next season.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thinking Positive

In every our everyday life, we have our own dillemas, frustations and struggles. We may think that we are such losers in our own story. Even worse for the person who can't accept it, commit suicide and go crazy.

There are different problems like financial (in general),peer pressure, failure, broken hearts, pating ways and many more. Sometimes we are just complaining in all these problems. But hey! Are we searching for the solution fot it? We say it all over again but not finding the right way to overcome this.

Everyone has a problem in different manner and situation. Let us not think we are only the one. Logically, Problems were created for it has a solution. Come to think of it. We don't just have sit and cry. Think positively and everything will follow. There many books about thinking in a positive way like "How to Suceed", "The secret", etc. They encourages the person be optimistic about anything.

Being optimist gives you a relief in every problem you encounter. Always bear in your mind that you have God. Your God is bigger than the problem. You must lift up everything to him then you will feel free and light. Everything is for a reason to happen. Think that it will outcome into a good result in the end after. What your mind will conceive your body will achieve. Believe and it will happen. Think positive!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Coco Sensation!

Colbie Calliat, one of the rising country singer, made an impact on the music industry of the new generation. Don't think that country songs are not popular.Country songs are not only for oldies but Colbie evolve it into modern but very sensational.

Rock music is not only the genre of music the youth are hook today if you're thinking in that way. Colbie made the music that is soothing and inspiring phenomenal not only for those who love acoustics but also to those who appreciate other music genre.

The release of her album Coco which has 12 tracks get into the limelight easily. Her song "Bubbly" made a hit in different top charts of song may it be international or local. It contributed a good job for our music industry. Way to go, Colbie!