Each animal that you choose to be your companion,to be your loyal and close friend, reveals your qualities and character, just as having no pets at all.Read on if you want to know something about yourself, your friend, or even the person you are planning to be with for the rest of your life.
DOG- If you love these canine creatures, you treasure loyalty and sincerety.You are a loyal and a sincere friend. The number of pets, though, also means something. Having too many dog signifies fear and insecurity. Having one or two signifies security, and makes you the one person in the family who will give that sense of security to the people you care for and love. This assures the people around you that you are capable of giving enough support for their endeavors. The size of a dog doesn't have that much of meaning though.
CAT- Having a cat inside the house is different from having a cat that stays outside the house. Generally, having a cat shows a childlike attitude in a person. He or She is soft-spoken and seldom gets into confrontational behavior. They usually back off from any argument and keep the pain to themselves. Children who love cats are the ones who have the tendency to leave home once scolded of any issue whatsoever, especially when they believe that they were not at fault or when they feel they were unjustly mishandled. Having a cat inside the house signifies that the owner is a homebody and enjoys his/her home. Having a cat outside your home signifies adventurism.
FISH- Owning a fish signifies that the owner desires to be rich. The good point is that having fish pets at home can bring luck and wealth if you know the right placements. Yes every person and his house has its own chi or energy area where the full potential of gaining the good in life is at hand. The basic rule is one must maintain clean water in the tank or pond all the time. Having dirty and mossy water in your pets abode generates negative energy not only to the pets, but also to your home. My advice is do not get an aquarium or a fish pond if you do not have the time and effort to maintain it.People who love pet fishes are generous friends. They love to give gifts that are extravagant and expensive for they want their friend to be happy with them. Though they don't expect you to give them expensive gifts on their special days like birthdays, they will take it as a bad sign of your friendship or relationship if you forget to greet them on special days.
RABBIT- Having a rabbit means the person is very active and loves going out; he never stays at one place in his lifetime. So expect moving to several places in his lifetime. So, expect moving to several places of work and residences if you are with people who love to have rabbits as pets. The negative side of people who love rabbits is that they are too secretive with their emotions, most especially once they are hurt.They do easily forget the pain even when the other party returns with a positive move or reconciliation.
BIRD- People who love birds have no clear objective in life. Though they have plans and goals they get bored most times, or easily give up on trials that may come to their lives.Like a bird they fly away at the sight of an enemy or adversary. The only good thing with bird persons is that they are quiet and peace-loving people, but do retaliate once provoked or caught. They choose to spend life alone more often than not.
MOUSE/MICE- These are the people who think a lot, but move less. They always dream and want things to go their way, but they want it to come easy. Many of these easy going rat-persons become successful as easily as they desired.
INSECTS- Any kind of an insect pet is a sign of kind-hearted people
. They are loving and caring but the downside of this is that they are vulnerable to abuse. They cannot differentiate what is too much and what is not.
No Pets- Having no pets even for once or wanting it so much but, never coming to own one is a dangerous sign. There is a big problem in their hearts and in their minds. These are people who usually break down when there are big problems and trials. They resort to violence
and most of the time run away from the realities of the world. They can be picky and fussy to a fault. Most are self focused uncaring or indifferent to many aspects of life.
The true indication of a real pet lover is that your personally are the one caring and tending to them. You spend time with the animals and creatures, feeding, bathing,caressing them and creatures,feeding, bathing,
caressing them and finding quality time that would be memorable to you for the rest of your life, even once in your lifetime. A person with no pet is almost nonexistent, but there are those who never had or would rather not have one at all. That's sad isn't it?
source: anthonyvivero@yahoo.com