After years of being away from the Xavier institute for higher learning, Kitty pryde, a.k.a. Shadowcat, returns. Where she was once the youngest X-Man, looking to the veterans for help, kitty is now a teacher, someone whom th enew batch of mutants can look up to. It's a diffrent school now though. proffesoe X in;t around, The beast isn't happy anymore, Cyclops lost Jean Grey, and Emma Frost (someone whom kitty never trusted) now teaches lessons on morals!
Meanwhile, Dr. kavita rao has found something that can change lives of mutants worldwide. With the help of the mysterious benefactors, she claims to have found a way to "cure" mutants - by removing their powers. When thousands of mutants line up at benetech laboratories to try out this mtant cure is for real.
Joss Whedon and John Casody;s Gifted story isa treat for X-men fans old and new. Old faves like kitty and lockhead join wolveroine, cyclops, beats and emma as they deal with "hope" and the alien known as Ord. and to spice it up even more, one of the most beloved Xmen of all time makes a triumphant return!
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