This was really......an exhausting day but worth it.
I went to school 7am ...i mean 7:30 for the registration of the attempt of making the biggest lasallian human star.
A project of ILO.. my beloved office.hahaha,, heading by mam joy Parohinog.
I think thins is the first time where all the members of the lasallian community joined forced for one goal towards a legacy..hahaha... Such unity has shown.
I became excited on everything..
Oh..what about the karakol thinging..
Actually, I don't like to dance with a costume like that but it was obliged?
We prepare a lot of effort for that tehn that's it.. We just walk there in the parade..done...
go to the lasallian star which was covered by tv patrol..hahaha
It was featured in tv patrol on marc logan's segment.. I've watched it! (kanina lang)
The lasallian star is amazing! hahahaha... It was really beautiful..weeeeee
Even though it's tiring and everything, still it will remain a legacy not only to our schol but as well as in the world. (go guiness!)
I'm proud I belong.
So that's it!
In the afternoon..going home..actualy, we don't go home early because of this REED concert..
Ate rica was assigned to be a make up artst there.. Of course, I'm with her. Who knows we can have an extra credit for that..
I'm with Nads and Te rics. it was my first time inthe dressing room in ULS and my very first time to make up other people..espacially teachers. Everyone knows that I am not a kikay person. So what am I doing there? hahahah. I just do the foundation .. teh basic thing... and the lipstick for the reed professors, dancers..gash....>.< kawindang! But hey! that was a really new experience for me. See I learned hahaha!
Ok.. This end my blog..
It's already 10...
I think I will catch a cold..i hate this,, huhuhu
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